• (+1) 267 481 2669 / 701 659-1106
  • leadersacademyinc1@gmail.com

About Us

Leaders Academy is a non-profit organization founded by Jerome Zamgba geared towards helping less well-off kids stay in school based in Boystown, Marrshall District, Margibi County, Liberia.

The organization was founded in 2018 with the goal of “leaving no child behind”. The sole driving force for the school and the organization is to help raise the literacy rates and well-being of children in Liberia. 

Since the founding of the organization, we have provided tuition for 50 students in high school, and three nursing school students.

Zamgba first came up with an idea during a trip in 2018 to Liberia, while working on a computer lab project for my high school carver mission.
“During my visit, I saw kids that were not in school. So, I asked the question and was told that they had to sell water and other goods to support their families. It reminded me of my childhood where I had to walk up to 15 miles to sell cold water to help pay for my primary education.

I immediately knew something was not right and had to be done. I felt the need to serve humanity by paying the school fees for those that could not afford it. That inspired me to establish my own institution.” 
